By Cindy Phillips
At salvation God gives each person the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). This is not “a measure” as in some get this much and some get that. It is the same measure for everyone. To be faithful means to be full of faith. How do you go from “the measure” to “full”?
Just as adding a little yeast to a batch of dough, faith multiplies. How? By use! The more you use (can we say exercise?) your faith the more faith you have. We see this in the natural, don’t we? Let’s say you are a baker. You started small, maybe started making cookies. But the more cookies you made, the more confident you got, the more skilled you got, and that led to you expanding your baking abilities. This applies to any skill. The more you practice, the better you get. Another analogy would be exercise, strength training. Since the physical world came from the spirit world (Heb 11:3) we should not be surprised when this principle applies to both.
So the more you use your faith the more faith you get. Faith hoarded and never used is weak, anemic. But a person with little faith who uses it for a little work will find strong faith as it is used. Stronger faith grows into more faith. More faith grows into great faith.
You are to be using your faith every day. The more you can do in the natural the more you will be tempted to do in your own strength. Resist this temptation! Prov 3:5,6 illustrates this principle. Step out of your comfort zone and believe God for things you can’t do in the natural. Ask the Lord to show you how. Study the Word as there are many examples to follow. Submit to God, boldly come before His throne and ask Him for the things you can use your faith for.