by Cindy Phillips
Who is Jesus to you?
There is a difference between giving the Lord a part of your day (like a “tithe”) and inviting Him into all of your day (Psalm 55:22). There is danger in compartmentally viewing your walk with God. This is what most in the Church today do.
Many think they are ok because they confessed Jesus as Savior but refuse to submit to Jesus as Lord.
Many give to the Church, attend regularly and shun evil but their hearts are far from Him (Isaiah 29:13).
What God wants for us is to forsake the world and follow Him (2 Tim 2:4, Rev 3:18 buy gold refined in the fire), do what He tells you to do (be clothed in white garments which are your righteous works), open your spiritual eyes so you can see what He is doing (anoint your eyes with salve), be zealous for God (Gal 4:18) and repent (Rev 3:3), listen for His still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12) and open to Him so you can sup together at the table He has prepared for you (Psalm 23.5, Rev 3:20).
Let Jesus be your lifestyle, not just your life preserver.