What is worship?

By Pastor Dave

Is it songs, fast songs, slow songs? Is it dance, is it silence, is it soft music? What makes worship of God? The answer is “all the above”. You see, worship is not what we do or don’t do. Worship is an attitude of the heart. Worship is an attitude where we acknowledge our Heavenly Father (God) is worthy of our worship. When we give God honor, praise, acknowledgement, and our devotion, we are worshiping Him.

I have been told by some believers and some nonbelievers that they don’t go to a church because they do not like the music. They don’t like the worship service. Let me say that they are missing the point. Worship is not about what we like, it is not about the music style or the songs, it is about God. Worship is never about us, it is always about God. We sing to express our love and devotion to God. We sing to acknowledge His greatness and we express our appreciation of who He is. Worship is about Him, about God!

Now I know that we all have preferences, we all have different taste in music, but it is not about our preferences, it is about God! I, too, have some music styles I dislike, but I get past that and worship because He is worthy. So, you can worship through song, fast songs, slow songs, loud songs, quiet songs, dance, walk, hand waving, sitting, standing, out loud, to your self, alone or in a group because it is an attitude that puts God first and acknowledges that He is holy, true, kind, just, merciful, grace giving, healer, redeemer, keeper of my soul, judge, forgiving, trustworthy, loving, full of peace, a friend, one who will never leave us, our Savior and Lord.

Let us Worship!