By Pastor Dave
I was getting ready to go to the store when my son pointed to my face and said, ” There is a streak of dirt across your face”. I had been working in the garden on a hot day. I was sweating and wiping my face. When I got done I used an old towel to wipe my face. I did not use a mirror so I missed a long streak of dirt. I needed my son to point that out.
The principal applies to us spiritually. We need each other to point out things in our lives that we can not see for ourselves. Often we think we are ok, clean if you will, but someone can look into our lives and point out things we need to clean up. If I had used a mirror I could have seen the dirt for myself. If we use the mirror of the Word we can see where we need the Lord to point out things so we can, through the Holy Spirit, clean ourselves up.
My son was not meaning to hurt me or insult me by pointing out the dirt. His intent was to help me. However, when someone does point out things to us we can let our selfish pride take over and get offended. I do understand that sometimes someone will point things out in a harsh, mean and even cruel manner. In those situations it is difficult to receive the information with grace. Been there, done that! However, if we are submitted to our Lord and Savior, we will be able to respond with the grace and peace God has given us.
I will say to anyone who thinks they need to point out things to another; check your heart. Are you doing it with the right attitude? Are you doing it to help the person? Are you doing it with kindness and love? Are you checking yourself to see if you are right with God?
Pointing out things to others is not always easy and receiving from others is not always easy. But if you are humble before the Lord and doing it with Biblical love, then it can be beneficial to both of you. Go in the peace, grace, mercy and the love of God.