By Pastor Dave
Your body becomes what you eat.
I was listening to a Doctor/Health expert and he reminded me of a very simple but important fact. He said that what we eat is what our body builds its cells from. You eat poison, your cells become poison, you eat junk food your cells become junk, you eat healthy, your cells become healthy. What and how we eat is important.
The same is true of our spiritual body, what we take in is what we become. What do I mean? Simply this; if you spend time reading sexual orientated books you will fill yourself with sexual images and thoughts. If you look at pornography you will fill yourself with perverted sexual images and ideas. You watch violence you will want to be violent. Keep feeding yourself the wrong stuff and you open yourself up to weakness, sickness and disease.
What you listen to, what you watch, what you read is feeding your spirit and is making you into the image you are feeding on. Are you feeding your spirit the Word of God, the Bible, daily? Are you praying, are you listening to worship songs? Are you watching wholesome TV and movies? If you keep feeding your spirit junk, you open yourself to spiritual weakness, sickness and disease. You will not be strong in the Lord. You will be open to spiritual attack. You will be in danger of being useless to our Lord and Savior.
I pray that you will feed your spirit the “good food”. Read the Bible daily, listen to sermons, listen to worship/praise songs, watch TV and movies with great discretion, study the bible, read articles. Keep in mind; you become what you feed on.