by Cindy Phillips
Ed and I headed out to go icefishing the other morning. Our goal was to catch enough perch for dinner. Where we went and what we did was the result of what we were expecting. We went to the Lake we’ve caught big perch in the past. We brought shanties to sit in, fishing poles (of course) and the right bait. The result? We caught a bucket load of fish!
Our walk with God follows these principals as well. It starts with expectation. Where you will go and what you will do should match your expectations. If we went to a pond where there was no fish, even though we were prepared to catch fish, we would have caught none. If we went to the right place but brought the wrong gear with us, we would have caught no fish.
Start your day with expectation. Proverbs 29:18 says God’s people perish for lack of vision. If you expect nothing you will probably hit your goal every time (although, in God’s mercy, many times He blesses us in spite of our actions). If you want to be used by God to fulfill your destiny, ask Him to show you what He wants you to do. James 1:5-8. Then take the steps in obedience. Visualize yourself doing what God shows you and expect Him work through you.