by Cindy Phillips
What would you say to a man who was drowning, clinging to a big lead weight? Surely you would shout to him, “Let go of the weight! It’s drowning you, man!”
The cares of this world can be compared to the lead weight carried by a drowning man. When Jesus was teaching on the parable of the seed and the sower in Mark 4, He explained how the third type of seed was unfruitful because the cares of the world drowned (choked) the seed. How many times have we been caught up in the cares of the world and while doing so, failed to bear fruit to God? You see, according to Scripture, you can’t do both at the same time. If you are being consumed by the world’s business you can’t also be serving the Kingdom of God.
God knows you are in the world and have matters to tend do. He is not telling us to ignore our worldly responsibilities. What He is saying is don’t allow the cares of the world to dominate your thoughts and actions. There is a better way! Instead cast your (worldly) cares over onto Jesus (1 Peter 5:7). Why would you do this? Because Jesus cares for you, He invites you to be yoked to Him (Matt 11:28-30). What happens when two cows are yoked together? The efforts of each cow are combined and together they can handle a load each one could never handle on their own. This is what Jesus is telling us. Cast your cares, the things that easily ensnare you, onto Jesus. Then take His yoke upon you. Because He cares for you He will make your burdens light.
What an amazing exchange! You give Him that lead weight that threatens to drown you and He will give you rest, making your load easy to bear and light. He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep (that which can drown him) to gain that which he cannot lose (Jim Elliot).
Trust Jesus today with all your worldly matters and watch what He will do!