Can GOd still use me?

by Pastor Dave

I sinned. I messed up. I made too many mistakes. God can’t use me now. Wow, have I heard that before and, to be honest, I have said it a few times myself. I thank God that is not true. Think about it. Consider all the people in the Bible. If God stopped using us when we messed up or when we sinned, we would only have a bible with the book of Daniel and Revelation. All the other books were written by people who messed up, some big time. There are murderers, liars, cowards, those who abandoned Jesus, those who were selfish, those who were self centered and so on. But God!

Failures, sins and mistakes are why we need God and it is why Jesus came to bear our sins. We will fail, we will mess up, we will sin, but when we turn to God and seek forgiveness He grants it. God never stops using us because we mess up. He actually takes our mess ups, our failures, and redeems them and uses them for our good and His glory. The only time God stops using us is when we refuse to allow Him to use us.

If you think you messed up too bad to be used by God, you are wrong. Seek Him and confess your mess ups and tell Him you are available and willing to be used and He will use you. The secret is to run to Him and be open to what He wants to do through you. There are no perfect people but there is a perfect God who loves you very much and wants to use you. God wants to work in you, with you and through you.

Are you willing to be used?