Called to serve

By Pastor Dave

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 13 verses 12-15, we find the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Verse 15 is what I want us to take a close look at. Jesus did this as an example for us to follow. I know there are some churches that have an actual “foot washing” service where the leaders go throughout the church and wash the attendees feet. I won’t say this is wrong but I will say I think that is not the point. The point of this scripture is about being willing to humble yourself and be a servant to your fellow believers.

I believe that is why Jesus did this to the disciples only and not to all his followers. The disciples were to be the leaders of the church. They were the ones who carried authority in the church and they needed an example of being a servant. If you are saved then you are anointed, endowed, called and redeemed. This can sometimes cause us to get self righteous. Jesus has called all of us to be servants and to esteem others higher than ourselves. Instead of seeing what we can get out of church, we need to see how we can serve others and see how we can contribute.

Jesus said, “I give you this example”. Examples are for us to follow. Jesus lowered Himself to be a servant and that is the example we should follow.