Be a fruit-bearing believer

by Pastor Dave

What do your actions and words say about you?  If you are a true Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, what you say, what you do, how you respond to others speaks about the relationship you have with your Lord and Savior.  We as Christians should be living at a higher level than others.  We should be kind, calm, giving, polite and concerned for others.   

Too often I have seen Christians behave just like the world. I, too, am guilty of this.  But I am reminded of Galatians 5:21-26 which states that I should be exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit in my daily life. I should be loving, joyful, peaceable, patient, kind, good (to others), and faithful in all I do. The Fruit of the Spirit is just the opposite of the World.  We are to be Christ-focused and others-minded.  When we live by the Fruit of the Spirit, we present an attractive message about the cross and about Jesus.

While this subject can be many, many pages long, I want to keep it short.  Here are some practical ways to walk out the Fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives.  Slow down, be patient with others, smile, speak kindly.  Pick up trash on the side walk, allow someone to go ahead of you in line, listen to someone who needs to talk, be a friend to the lonely and hurting, push the grocery cart back to the store (even if it is not yours), think of others before yourself.  Respond in patience and kindness to those who are rude and obnoxious.   

None of this can be done if you are not in right relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  You must be a person of prayer, bible reading and fellowship with other believers.  You must humble yourself.  You must allow God to root out your pride.  Pride will always block the working of the Spirit and pride will always destroy the Fruit of the Spirit in your life.  Humble yourself before God each and every day (James 3:6-8).  Keep in mind fruit is a natural product of a healthy tree.  If you are spiritual healthy, you will produce fruit.